Podcast Interview: Lost Your Period?...Now What? with McKenzie Caldwell

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“Dear Listener,

Today, join me and my wonderful guest, McKenzie Caldwell, for a conversation about hypothalamic amenorrhea and how eating disorders and disordered eating patterns can impact our monthly cycles. During our chat, she also shares lots of helpful tips about where to start if you’re having irregularities with your cycle and are wondering if it could have something to do with your eating and/or exercise patterns.

McKenzie is a Registered Dietitian and owner of Feed Your Zest Nutrition & Wellness where she specializes in nutrition therapy for hypothalamic amenorrhea, pregnancy, diabetes, and eating disorders using a weight inclusive approach. She empowers her clients to look beyond food as they move towards thriving through intuitive eating.

If you’d like to learn more about McKenzie and her work, you can find her on IG @womens.health.dietitian or on her website at feedyourzest.com. Thanks for listening!

Yours Chewly with gratitude,

And P.S. Don’t forget about our Attitude of Gratitude podcast giveaway that’s running now until the end of November 2020! Instructions on how to enter are in this week’s intro 🙌”