
Fully Nourished Pregnancy is an online course & community that gives you access to evidence-based nutrition science, expert guidance from a non-diet fertility and prenatal dietitian, and an empowering support system of like-minded people - minus the influence of diet culture.

With these tools, you can achieve the peaceful pregnancy you’ve always hoped for!

 Does this sound familiar?


You’ve done the mental work to step away from diet culture and have embraced feeding your body what it truly needs. However, upon learning that you’re pregnant (or deciding to start trying), everything feels new again.

Your doctor starts tracking your weight.

Your friends start telling you what you can and can’t eat.

Your body’s cues feel foreign, with new cravings and new aversions.

How do you make sense of all the mixed messages, both internal and external?

You want to be able to feel at peace with food and your body, but it feels overwhelming to navigate all these changes AND make sure you are eating well for your growing babe.

You want to rely on an expert to help you make good nutritional decisions, without the shame and scare tactics of diet culture.

You want to know that there are others out there seeking an empowering, anti-diet fertility journey and pregnancy experience, taking it one step at a time, just like you.

If so… you are in the right place!



Fully Nourished Pregnancy…

...an online course and community for people planning or experiencing pregnancy who want to leave diet culture, unsolicited pregnancy advice, and endless Googling behind. We focus on evidence-based, intuitive eating-centered nutrition for a more empowered, body-positive pregnancy experience.

In this 12-month program, you’ll gain insight into exactly how the principles of intuitive eating can be applied to preconception and pregnancy, what the science actually says, and how to add in nutrient dense foods (in a flexible way) that can nourish you and your growing baby.




​​My goals for you in Fully Nourished Pregnancy

I can’t promise that you will or won’t gain a certain amount of weight (in fact, letting go of that is part of the process!). However, if you join Fully Nourished Pregnancy, I can promise that I will help you:

  • Replace the shame and anxiety of pregnancy weight gain with appreciation for your amazing body.

  • Combat common pregnancy problems like morning sickness with gentle nutrition.

  • Choose the best prenatal vitamins and supplements for your needs.

  • Learn about all the amazing foods you can add in to help you feel good and nourish your growing baby.

  • Learn to implement positive lifestyle factors to boost your holistic prenatal health.

  • Have a body positive pregnancy experience.


Can you imagine…

  • Letting go of anxiety and discomfort and fully trusting your pregnant body?

  • Feeling empowered with accurate information to make food choices while trying to conceive and throughout your pregnancy?

  • Finding peace with honoring your taste preferences AND your prenatal health?

  • Having the tools and information to advocate for yourself at the doctor’s office?

  • Feeling fueled, energized, and ready to navigate the transition to parenthood?

  • Finding confidence in nourishing both yourself and your growing baby?

It’s all possible with expert guidance and a supportive community!


A look inside Fully Nourished Pregnancy:

intuitive eating in pregnancy; body positive prenatal nutrition

This self-paced online course and community is absolutely PACKED with information, resources, and ongoing support! The 1-year membership includes:

5 in-depth modules with detailed lessons:




Learn how to set achievable goals and plan for sustainable habits during your pregnancy that you can ACTUALLY stick to!

Chapter 1

A Body Positive Approach to Fertility & Pregnancy

Learn the foundations of Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating during your fertility journey and pregnancy so you can shift your mindset towards an anti-diet approach to nutrition.

  • Learn why dieting simply doesn’t work, and how intuitive eating and Health at Every Size can help you achieve your prenatal wellness goals without a strict diet.

  • Gain confidence in navigating a body positive approach to weight gain in pregnancy

  • Master applying the principles of intuitive eating from the start

Chapter 2

The Basics of a Fully Nourished Pregnancy

Learn what your body & baby need for a healthy pregnancy, all while holding space for what you need to feel comfortable, satisfied, and satiated before and throughout your pregnancy.

  • Gain insight into common gaps in prenatal nutrition and the foundations of building a nourishing eating pattern for fertility and pregnancy.

  • Understand how to choose a high quality prenatal vitamin regimen that works for YOU, plus specific product recommendations so you don’t have to keep Googling.

  • Find fun ways to stay hydrated and build helpful habits to last through postpartum.

  • Learn the truth about common food safety myths in pregnancy, as well as how to use an informed consent approach to make safe food and drink choices for your pregnancy.

  • Learn how to build a balanced plate that supports satisfaction and consistent energy levels while providing the basic structure for adequate prenatal nutrition.

Chapter 3

Foods to Add In for Fertility & Prenatal Nutrition

Instead of hearing about foods you “can’t” have, learn about the nutrients and benefits of all the exciting foods you can add in for prenatal nutrition:

  • Fruits & veggies as sources of fiber, vitamins, & antioxidants.

  • Whole grains, nuts, & seeds for B vitamins, fiber, protein, and fat.

  • Fish, seafood, & eggs for brain boosting omega 3’s & choline.

  • Legumes, dairy & dairy alternatives for protein and calcium.

  • Slow cooked bone-in meats & other sources of collagen.

Chapter 4

Nutritional Challenges During Preconception & Pregnancy

Learn how to make sense of your labs and get nutrition-based strategies for preventing, combating, and/or coping with:

  • Food aversions and nausea

  • Constipation

  • Iron deficiency anemia

  • Gestational diabetes

  • Reflux

  • Preeclampsia

Chapter 5

Lifestyle Factors

Embrace a holistic approach to your health to support your mind & body on all fronts during this pivotal time in your life. You’ll learn:

  • Factors influencing your mental health during preconception and pregnancy and how you can safeguard yourself to reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Recommendations for incorporating exercise that is safe, beneficial, & enjoyable.

  • How sleep is affected during pregnancy and what you can do to get the best sleep possible.

  • How to avoid endocrine disrupting chemicals to protect your growing baby.

intuitive eating in pregnancy; body positive prenatal nutrition

A printable workbook for you to journal, take notes, brainstorm, and set goals along with multiple detailed handouts to consolidate your learning.

intuitive eating in pregnancy; body positive prenatal nutrition

Access to a Members-Only Facebook Group - In this welcoming community, you’ll be able to share your experiences and get support from fellow members. My team and I will be there to offer advice and support!

intuitive eating in pregnancy; body positive prenatal nutrition

Monthly office hours with me via Zoom - During these calls, you can ask me questions and receive advice specific to your needs. All members are welcome to attend!


Option to Bundle with The Insulin Resistance Mini Course for even more body positive, evidence based guidance focused specifically on balancing your blood sugar for fertility and pregnancy.


Prenatal nutrition basics are helpful to begin implementing while trying to conceive and in postpartum too; use this program for support through all stages of your reproductive journey.


 You are not alone on this journey!

The cornerstone of this program is our private Facebook group, exclusively for members. As a member of Fully Nourished Pregnancy, this will be your virtual safe space to connect with like-minded people who are also seeking an anti-diet fertility and pregnancy experience. 

While the Fully Nourished Pregnancy course provides you the foundational education and information you need, the community brings it all together with a support network that can help answer your questions and tackle any obstacles that pop up along the way. If you need to laugh, vent, share a win, or get your mindset back on track, this is your safe space to do it.

Take a peek at the awesome sharing and support that goes on inside our community:


Meet Wayla, One of the Rockstars of Fully Nourished Pregnancy!

After discovering and incorporating the principles of intuitive eating into her life, Wayla didn’t want her pregnancy to feel like a setback. She’d been working on body acceptance and food peace for the past few years, but as soon as she found out she was pregnant, she could feel all her perfectionist and anxious tendencies rearing their heads.

Wayla knew that she would be categorized as high risk by doctors due to her age (40) and size, and was not looking forward to all the medical scrutiny and fatphobia that she expected to face. However, she knew that if she could cut through all of that, her pregnancy would be an opportunity for her to connect more deeply with her body and her intuition. It would be a chance to learn to listen to and trust her body in a new way.

Wayla wanted something different for her pregnancy, so she joined Fully Nourished Pregnancy.


She was active in completing the course and sharing her journey in the private Facebook group:


As she was nearing her due date, Wayla reported that she felt confident, informed, and assured that she was doing her absolute best to have a healthy pregnancy. She knows that by staying focused on eating well and intuitively, she not only took care of her own body and mind, but also created a more body positive environment for her future child.

“The Fully Nourished Pregnancy course has been such a valuable source of information and support for me throughout my pregnancy. I really appreciate McKenzie's approach, and the course offers lots of opportunities for interaction and asking questions. It is a bargain - the monthly Zoom calls alone would be well worth the price, and the videos have a wealth of info! I'm so grateful that I found this course. Highly recommend!”

Now that Wayla’s baby is here, she shared her thoughts with me about how Fully Nourished Pregnancy helped her have the kind of pregnancy she wanted to experience:

Like Wayla, you CAN have a body positive fertility and pregnancy journey!


Managing Common Pregnancy Hurdles with Gentle Nutrition

When it comes to certain conditions specific to pregnancy, many women have been taught to be fearful. Understandably, they often turn back to restrictive and disordered eating habits as a way to prevent or manage these issues.

Inside of Fully Nourished Pregnancy, we apply gentle nutrition to combat these common fertility and pregnancy issues without strict rules, triggering warnings, or guilt:

  • Gestational diabetes - While we can’t completely control whether or not we get gestational diabetes, we can take steps ahead of time to help prevent it and to make it easier to manage if it does come up.

  • Iron deficiency - Because it takes three months for nutrition changes to take hold in your body, it’s important to start building up your iron as early as possible!

  • Constipation - Working on a consistent eating pattern, increasing hydration, and adding in fiber-rich foods will help prevent pregnancy-related constipation.

  • Nausea - We can’t totally avoid nausea while pregnant or trying to conceive, but we can reduce it by working on blood sugar balance and consistent eating. From there, we can add in certain foods to help manage nausea in the first trimester.

  • Food aversions - While food aversions can be inconvenient and uncomfortable, choosing the right prenatal vitamin will ensure that you have a micronutrient insurance policy in place to give you enough nutrients in the meantime.

  • Heartburn - Heartburn later in pregnancy is super uncomfortable, but learning more about how your body reacts to certain foods and building balanced meals now can help lessen the symptoms of reflux in pregnancy.


Instead of restrictions or shame, you’ll be given helpful options based on current prenatal nutrition science to support your reproductive health, fuel your body with adequate energy, and foster a healthy and strong pregnancy.

Is this the kind of guidance you’re looking for?


Why did I develop this program?

Other dietitians, therapists, and my clients would ask me all the time - 

“What are the best resources for intuitive eating in pregnancy?” 

“Is there anything out there that provides up-to-date information that won’t shame me for my weight or food choices?” 

There really wasn’t anything. All the consolidated resources on preconception and pregnancy were either fatphobic and restrictive, or outdated in their science and out of touch with the realities of navigating a modern pregnancy. While the intuitive eating resources available to us were amazing, they didn’t have the specificity to reproductive health we needed… Until now!

Other online courses and books on prenatal nutrition might provide great information, but lack:

  • A recovery-oriented, anti-diet approach

  • Specifics on how to implement intuitive eating for fertility and in pregnancy

  • Guidance on how to reduce overwhelm and set realistic goals with prenatal nutrition

Fully Nourished Pregnancy takes your body positive pregnancy journey to the next level. No more sifting through fatphobic resources or grappling with how to apply intuitive eating to your next chapter. This program takes years of clinical experience and updated prenatal nutrition science, and provides you with a step-by-step guide to feeling your absolute best before and during pregnancy - mentally and physically


FAQs about Fully Nourished Pregnancy

Do I have to be pregnant to start this program?

You do not have to be pregnant to join the program! In fact, starting this program up to 3 months prior to conceiving can help optimize your fertility and nourish your body for pregnancy. Membership is for 1 year; ideally this will cover most of your 40 weeks of pregnancy, plus a bit of time in the preconception and/or postpartum periods. The nutrition advice provided is applicable at all stages of your reproductive journey. That said, some folks having difficulty conceiving may require more individualized support for specific conditions. I also offer 1:1 nutrition counseling for folks looking for individualized, weight-inclusive support on their fertility journey. Click here to learn more.

Will I have to track macros, count calories, or log exercise?

Nope! No tracking here. While logging hunger, fullness, thoughts, and feelings around food may be helpful for a very short period of time, this program puts an emphasis on body trust over rigid numbers and inflexible goals.

Does this program include meal plans?

Meal plans that we often see coming from practitioners wrapped up in diet culture are usually rigid, inflexible, and hard to stick to, so they are not something offered by this program. Instead, we provide ideas for how to build nourishing meals. We also encourage you to incorporate body knowledge, personal preferences, and cultural foods into your eating pattern alongside prenatal nutrition. I do offer individualized meal planning guidance and support for 1:1 clients; click here for more information!

Does this program work for people who have eating disorders?

Eating disorders require individualized support with a specialized team including a registered dietitian, mental health therapist, and medical provider at minimum. If you are pregnant and have an eating disorder, this program may be helpful alongside individualized support from your eating disorder dietitian. Fully Nourished Pregnancy does discuss gentle nutrition in depth, which may not always be appropriate at the beginning stages of eating disorder recovery. However, this program is ideal for those recovered from an eating disorder and looking to stay strong in their recovery through their pregnancy. I also offer 1:1 nutrition counseling for folks struggling with an eating disorder on their fertility or pregnancy journey. Click here to learn more.

Can Fully Nourished Pregnancy help me if I’m already eating intuitively?

Absolutely! Many of the people who come to this course are already well into their intuitive eating journey. However, trying to conceive and experiencing pregnancy can bring up some new insecurities because it’s uncharted territory. What’s more, pregnant people have almost always been given the message that they cannot trust their appetite and their instincts when it comes to nourishing their bodies. Fully Nourished Pregnancy empowers intuitive eaters to continue on the path of body trust instead of backsliding into diet culture.

How long is the course?

The course is 5 modules with sets of ~10-30 minute pre-recorded lessons totaling over 6 hours of video learning, not including any time you set aside for journaling, goal setting, and reflection. It is best to take your time and set small goals when incorporating new health behaviors, so I recommend planning for at least 3 months to get through the course material. Ongoing support via Zoom office hours is available for the whole 1 year membership period, and access to the Facebook group is included for as long as this program exists even after your membership finishes!

How much time should I expect to spend on this program every week?

Setting aside 30 minutes to 1 hr per week for the program will help you stay at a solid pace in setting goals for a fully nourished pregnancy.

My doctor told me I have to be careful about weight gain in pregnancy because of my size. Does this program offer weight management for pregnancy?

Intuitive eating is an approach that works for all people in all bodies, at all stages of life including preconception and pregnancy. In fact, research shows that it’s actually beneficial for health outcomes in pregnancy regardless of the size of your body. This program takes a radical approach, and we do not focus on weight in pregnancy. Instead, we focus on health behaviors and body trust, and leave your body the space it needs to grow and change naturally in pregnancy.

I have a condition like PCOS, gestational diabetes, or iron deficiency. Can this program help with that?

Fully Nourished Pregnancy offers general support for having a healthy pregnancy, as well as basic evidence-based education to treat and prevent common nutrition challenges during pregnancy like gestational diabetes and iron-deficiency anemia. This well-rounded approach is foundational for prenatal nutrition and can help with balancing blood sugar for pregnant people with PCOS and others who may be at risk for gestational diabetes. However, additional individualized support is warranted should you be diagnosed with diabetes in pregnancy. In addition to this program, McKenzie offers in depth information in The Insulin Resistance Mini Course for folks with PCOS, prediabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, or gestational diabetes to balance blood sugar in fertility and pregnancy. 1:1 coaching is also available.

What if I’m vegan or have food allergies? Will this program help me have a healthy pregnancy?

As of right now, Fully Nourished Pregnancy does cover information on how to navigate veganism and vegetarianism in your pregnancy. We do offer some basic education for those who may have Celiac disease or food allergies.


Hi! I’m McKenzie.

I’m a foodie and a huge science nerd. Women’s health nutrition had me caught hook, line and sinker from my freshman year of college! Even when I was exhausted from a night of studying and trudging through the snow to the lecture hall, learning about iron transport across the placenta was so incredibly energizing. Female reproductive health is just plain cool! 

That passion followed me to grad school, where I completed a maternal and child health leadership training, soaked up all that I possibly could relating to prenatal nutrition in my classes, completed rotations in women’s health, and wrote my master’s paper on gestational diabetes. Now in practice, I continue to learn so much from my clients every single day. Women’s bodies are powerful.

I’ve also had my own struggle with disordered eating. From ages 12-22, I grappled with rigid food rules and perfectionism around my body. It wasn’t until grad school that I discovered Health at Every Size® and intuitive eating; two paradigms that truly changed my own life and had a profound impact on the way I practice as a dietitian. I finally went to therapy and started to live my life according to my own values instead of the rules diet culture had given me. Healing my relationship with food helped me break free from perfectionism and find peace and flexibility instead.

Now as a recovering perfectionist and registered dietitian, I help folks on their fertility and pregnancy journeys leave dieting behind for good and live fully nourished.

I’ve worked with hundreds of clients to quit perfectionist thinking and fuel their bodies for pregnancy with intuitive eating. Over time, I developed my tried and true method that empowers people to take their health back from diet culture, and instead apply evidence-based prenatal nutrition in a way that helps them find peace and flexibility in their relationship with food. I’m really excited to be able to bring my method to more people through my Fully Nourished Pregnancy program. I can’t wait to see you there!


Get The Same Guidance That My 1:1 Clients Benefit From

Fully Nourished Pregnancy is essentially a peek inside my brain as a prenatal dietitian. It encompasses everything that I work on with my 1:1 clients, broken down into bite-sized video lessons at a fraction of the price. Here’s the value of everything you’re getting by enrolling in Fully Nourished Pregnancy:

5 module program: valued at $1000

Workbook: $50

Membership in private Facebook group: $25/month

Monthly zoom calls: $85/month

Total value: $2280 for a 1 year membership

Actual price: $55/month

(cancel at any time!)

intuitive eating in pregnancy; body positive prenatal nutrition

Join Today



Cancel at any time.


Need more??

Have PCOS or prediabetes? Worried about gestational diabetes?

What if you could get EVERYTHING you needed to balance your blood sugar and care for your body without dieting in fertility and pregnancy??


The Insulin Resistance Mini Course

Add on even MORE body positive evidence based tools to manage insulin resistance with The Insulin Resistance Mini Course:

  • 5, focused mini-modules centered around balancing your blood sugar for fertility and pregnancy, all without a restrictive diet.

  • Comprehensive workbook and handouts to help you organize your individualized insulin resistance plan

Click here to read more and add the Insulin Resistance Mini Course to your toolbox.


 What people say about working with McKenzie


“I had a phenomenal experience working with Mckenzie! I am one of the first friends and family members of my generation to get pregnant, and the pregnancy and pregnancy diet seemed very overwhelming. Working with Mckenzie helped me feel so much more confident about everything from my normal diet, to trusting my body's needs, and cutting myself some slack (diet culture cuts DEEP). I am so grateful for my experience with her, and how much she helped me not only physically, but also mentally prepare for pregnancy and motherhood overall. I recommend her to anyone and everyone!” - Abbe, 28


 “McKenzie supported me in identifying and including different foods to my eating journey. She also helped in problem-solving ways to improve my supplement intake and sleep during my pregnancy.” - Ana, 25

“I just wanted to send you an email to thank you for the Fully Nourished Pregnancy course. Prenatal information can get overwhelming and bring up a lot of fears and you diminished both of those things with your course! You get the information across in an empowering manner and I'm very appreciative of that! We are trying for our second baby now and I'm grateful to have this amazing tool as questions come up. Anyways, just thought you should know! Thanks so much!” - Molley, 30


“LOVE that food shaming and diets are NOT a part of her vocabulary! Truly a refreshing way to look at food and nutrition! I always leave our conversations feeling more educated than when I arrived! She has helped me better understand my own body, the importance of listening to it, and how to best take care of it.” - Faith, 31


 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I stand behind Fully Nourished Pregnancy 100% and I KNOW these methods work if you apply them. That’s why I offer a 30 day money back guarantee; if you complete the modules and do at least ½ the workbook within 30 days, and you're STILL not satisfied, show me your work and I'll gladly give you a refund.


Fully Nourished Pregnancy is for you if…

  • You want a body positive pregnancy experience.

  • You’re done with diet culture and don’t want to go backwards on your intuitive eating journey during your pregnancy journey.

  • You want to cultivate a peaceful relationship with food and your body before and throughout pregnancy.

  • You’re looking for recovery-oriented fertility and pregnancy information

  • You want evidence-based, non-diet nutrition guidance you can trust.

  • You want to feel confident and empowered in your pregnancy.


Fully Nourished Pregnancy is NOT for you if…

  • You’re looking for strict food rules

  • You want eat this/not that lists, or a meal plan for pregnancy

  • You’re set on tracking calories and/or macros

  • You plan to avoid carbs, sugar, or other groups of foods

  • You’re trying to gain as little weight as possible in pregnancy

  • You want highly individualized support for pregnancy nutrition (Apply for 1:1 nutrition counseling with me instead!)


 The best time to start a Fully Nourished Pregnancy is now.

I know what you’re thinking… “I haven’t had any problems yet. If I do, I’ll come back and sign up.”

To tell you the truth, so many of my 1:1 clients wish they had started seeing me sooner. Many people come to me after they’ve been diagnosed with gestational diabetes or have run into other problems.

But it doesn’t have to be that way… by building a solid foundation for a healthy relationship with food and a nourishing eating pattern, we can actually prevent a lot of the common issues people run into during pregnancy.

You deserve nutritional support in your pregnancy before you run into issues like gestational diabetes, iron deficiency, or food aversions. 

You deserve to have access to all the tools you need to navigate our fatphobic medical system during pregnancy. 

You’re growing a baby (or you will be soon!) but you deserve to be nourished and supported too. You deserve to feel at peace with food now.

So, don’t wait until you’re really struggling - join us now! Get access to the tools and support you need to thrive in pregnancy.