5 Ways to Practice Body Respect in Pregnancy

Have you ever heard of body respect?


Body positivity or body love sound great, but can feel really unattainable if you're currently feeling uncomfortable in your changing body in pregnancy. Body respect is the idea that we don't have to LIKE our bodies in order to take care of them. We can take steps towards accepting our bodies by reframing thoughts, and by practicing self-care regardless.

Here are 5 ways to practice body respect in pregnancy:

1) Allow your body to grow at it's own pace


We do not need to control our weight to have a healthy pregnancy. Listening to and responding to body cues through intuitive eating will help you gain exactly the right amount of weight for you in pregnancy.

2) Approach body changes with compassion


So much is happening in your body during pregnancy, and that can come with some pretty rapid changes outside of a growing belly. Your body is wise, and knows what it needs to do to support you and your growing baby. Approach these changes with the kindness and compassion you would for a friend going through a period of growth.

3) Nourish your body consistently, no matter its size


All bodies need to gain weight in pregnancy, and all bodies deserve to be well nourished in pregnancy, no matter their size. Eating regular meals and snacks and using principles of intuitive eating can help you have a healthy pregnancy.

4) Listen to your body when it needs rest


Fatigue in pregnancy is real! So much energy is going to grow that baby, there’s nausea, shifting hormones and this big looming life change can be overwhelming. It is ok if your body needs more rest than usual. Move your body when it feels good, and know that your body is doing amazing things when you rest, too.

5) Give yourself grace, you're making a baby!


Weight gain and body changes are hard in this diet-obsessed culture. You are simply allowed to gain weight, no matter what. On top of that, perfect eating is just not going to happen with nausea, cravings, and aversions. Give yourself grace to find a new rhythm with self-care as you grow that baby.

Are you looking for support in changing your mindset around food and body in pregnancy? My program, Fully Nourished Pregnancy is for you!

This 1-year online course and community walks you through how to ditch dieting and move towards intuitive eating in pregnancy, and how to take care of yourself and your growing baby according to evidence-based nutrition science. We've got a private Facebook community, and monthly Zoom Q&A calls with me (a prenatal dietitian). Click here to read more and sign up today!