What's the deal with sushi in pregnancy?


Here in the United States, it’s common to hear that sushi should be avoided at all costs in pregnancy because of the risks of consuming raw seafood.

But, did you know that in Japan, it’s commonly recommended for pregnant people to eat MORE sushi?

So, why the discrepancy? What do you REALLY need to avoid to have a healthy pregnancy?

When it comes to food safety in pregnancy, I like to practice an informed consent approach. In fact, I explain my approach to food safety in this blog post break down the actual risks of deli meat in pregnancy and how to avoid them for you in this blog post. I want you to feel empowered to make the choice you are most comfortable with.

So, why the caution with sushi?

In pregnancy, your immune system is lowered so that your body won’t reject the fetus. This means that you are more prone to any sickness, including foodborne illness. Essentially, your risk of food poisoning is higher in pregnancy. Raw seafood, particularly raw shellfish, is more likely to be contaminated with illness-causing bacteria, whereas cooked seafood does not pose this risk. Additionally, tuna sushi is a common order, and both ahi tuna and bigeye tuna should be avoided in pregnancy due to their high mercury content.

Why is Japan encouraging pregnant people to eat MORE sushi??

The benefits of seafood consumption in pregnancy are undeniable. Seafood is an excellent source of protein, B vitamins, vitamin D and DHA - all nutrients we need significantly more of to grow a healthy baby. Sushi is one of the main ways folks consume seafood in Japanese culture.

You know yourself best.

Ultimately, it is up to YOU to weigh the risks of food poisoning with the benefits of consuming more seafood.

For a lot of my clients, eating sushi is one of the only ways they really enjoy consuming seafood, or perhaps it’s a really important part of their social relationships or culture.

On top of this, we do have ways to mitigate the potential risks of eating sushi in pregnancy too.

Tips to eat sushi safely in pregnancy

A few strategies for getting the most health and enjoyment out of your sushi in pregnancy:

  • Choose a sushi restaurant you trust that you know is using high quality fish and safe food handling practices (aka, probably best to avoid gas station sushi)

  • Choose sushi that does not contain tuna to avoid over-consuming mercury, and also avoid raw shellfish (shrimp, scallops, oysters) as these are particularly high risk for foodborne illness

However, if it’s going to cause you a lot of stress and anxiety to eat raw fish in pregnancy, opt for something else at a sushi restaurant like a teriyaki bowl, or choose a cooked roll!

Looking for more empowering, evidence based info for fertility and pregnancy? Check out our signature group program, Fully Nourished Pregnancy. This online course and community gives you in depth guidance on all things fertility and pregnancy nutrition, from food safety, to supplements, to foods to add, all without a restrictive diet. Click here to sign up for Fully Nourished Pregnancy today!