8 tips for hydration in pregnancy

Did you know that your fluid volume in pregnancy doubles? Crazy right? Bodies are so cool.

Hydration is important for everyone- but is especially important for those who are pregnant. Since your body is holding onto more water, that means your hydration needs increase too! Because You need more water than normal, it can feel challenging to get it all in throughout the day.


Outside of pregnancy most people need ~64 oz fluid per day. In pregnancy this goes up to 80-100 oz.


If you’re like most of my clients who are chronically dehydrated, even 64 oz might seem like a lofty goal, let alone 80-100 oz! On the other hand, if you’ve been told you need a whole gallon of water per day, that might seem relieving.

Regardless, I’ve got tips to help you increase your hydration in a fun, sustainable way! Use the tips below as a guide and keep an eye out for these symptoms of dehydration:

  • Dry mouth & tongue

  • Confusion or irritability

  • Dark urine

  • Peeing very few times a day


You might actually be doing a little better than you think: I recommend my clients drink mostly water, but really any non-alcoholic, decaffeinated fluid counts.

  • Hot or iced herbal teas are helpful for hydration, and often contain functional ingredients like ginger for nausea, or red raspberry leaf tea in the 3rd trimester for labor prep.

  • Try sparkling water, a mocktail, or non-alcoholic ginger beer for something bubbly. Sprite and other decaf sodas count too!

  • Smoothies are also a great way to get in your fruits and veggies with some hydration!


You’re probably wondering: sounds great… but, how do I get there?? Here’s a couple tips to help you set goals and remember to get in your fluids!

  • Try an app like Plant Nanny that yells at you to drink water ;)

  • Set phone alarms.

  • Use a reusable glass or stainless steel water bottle. Set a goal to finish 1 by lunch, and another by dinner, and have a few other fun drinks during the day too.

  • Drink water before or with your coffee/tea in the morning.

  • Meeting the 80-100 oz and still feel thirsty? You might need electrolytes. Try a pinch of salt in some juice, electrolyte powder like LMNT or Liquid IV, or G2 gatorade.

Looking for more tips, or hoping for some accountability and support in nourishing your body for pregnancy? Join us for Fully Nourished Pregnancy, an online course community that not only educates you on the practical things your body needs during this time, but also how to do so from a body positive and intuitive eating standpoint! Click here to learn more and enroll in Fully Nourished Pregnancy today.