VIDEO: Navigating weight stigma in fertility and prenatal care


Weight stigma in fertility and prenatal care is real, and something I help all my clients navigate on their reproductive health journeys.

Watch my very first YouTube video below and listen along as I share a story about barriers to quality reproductive care for one of my clients who struggles with PCOS.

The story:

This client is the mother of 1 young child and is hoping to have a second. She lives in a larger body and has PCOS. While her insurance was very helpful in accessing care where she used to live, now that she has moved to a more rural part of the country, she’s been having a hard time finding providers that use in-network labs and provide weight inclusive care.

Our solution: see the provider she feels comfortable with for fertility care, and deal with the inconvenience of ordering labs not connected with that provider’s hospital system. Once pregnant, my client will deliver at the in-network hospital.

Ultimately, there is no perfect solution here, and it’s not fair that it’s left up to the individual to navigate our broken healthcare system. I do a lot of self-advocacy work with my clients, but it is truly the system that needs to change.

Are you looking for support in navigating weight stigma during your reproductive health journey? I help all of my clients figure out solutions that will work well for their needs! Whether it’s through my 1:1 coaching program or my online course and community, I’m here to support you. Click here to learn more about working with me 1:1, or for a more group-oriented approach check out Fully Nourished Pregnancy.