5 Tips for Beating Pregnancy Fatigue


Getting hit with that pregnancy fatigue? You aren't alone!

A lot of pregnant people express that pregnancy is the most tired they have ever felt in their life! So why is this?

Simply put, you are growing a baby! But in all seriousness, during pregnancy you are navigating the following:

  • increased levels of estrogen and progesterone (which actually acts as a natural sedative)

  • lower blood pressure and blood sugar

  • increased blood flow

  • more trouble sleeping (100 pee breaks anyone? lol)

  • digestion issues and morning sickness

  • stress and anxiety

  • heartburn and body aches

  • back, hip, and pelvic pain

  • and MORE. You never need to "justify" needing more rest, but if you did, pregnancy is a pretty good excuse.

As a dietitian, a lot of my clients have a goal of feeling more energized, and I love helping folks with this in pregnancy too. So, here are my top tips for navigating this unique exhaustion:


Eating enough

Make sure you are eating ENOUGH and often. Your body will need more food during this time to support body changes and your growing baby. Eating balanced meals will help you avoid blood sugar spikes and crashes that can lead to sluggishness. I teach my clients how to build balanced plates without restriction.


Napping is OKAY

You may feel tempted to just "push through", but your body needs rest. You are growing a human and it is asking for something it needs! Be patient with yourself and schedule in naps when you can. Naps during pregnancy are actually good for the baby's health. Napping has been linked to a healthier birth weight & decreased the risk of baby being born too small.



Hydration is ALWAYS important but especially in pregnancy and during the summer months. Aim for 80-100oz (more if you are working out or spending time outside). Adding fruit or flavor, eating foods with high water content, and carrying a reusable water bottle are some of my favorite tips for staying hydrated!


Ask for Help

It is MORE than okay to lean on loved ones extra during this time. You don't have to wait until baby is here! Let people know what specifically would be helpful. Maybe your partner could take on the laundry for a couple weeks? Maybe your friend will go to that pregnancy yoga class with you or just sit and talk? People want to know how to help- trust me!



You are experiencing a LOT of change during this time. Physically, emotionally, mentally. Remember that YOU matter, beyond your ability to grow a baby. What would help you during this time? Therapy? Working with a Registered Dietitian on nutrition and body image? Check in with yourself regularly.

If you try these tips and are still feeling overly tired, or like it may be more than just pregnancy fatigue, talk to your Doctor about the possibility of anemia, gestational diabetes, or depression.

You are not alone in your pregnancy fatigue, and this is a perfect opportunity to practice listening to your body and responding with compassion.

I help my clients learn how to honor and respect their pregnant bodies in my signature online course + community Fully Nourished Pregnancy. You’ll gain the tools to nourish your body while it grows a healthy baby, all while benefiting from the support of a body positive group of folks on the same journey. Enroll in Fully Nourished Pregnancy today!